Warrior of the Week: Lori Whitehead

If you know Lori, you know what it feels like to have someone who is genuinely for YOU! Lori has an innate way of selflessly supporting others with her authentic spirit and genuine love for her fellow humans. If you see Lori around, you will instantly know this to be so!  Catch a big warm smile from her and feel all the feels!

How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?

I started practicing at Flux in June of 2017 and I’ve planted myself in the studio since that time. My original motivation was recovery from running injuries and for the “ass handed to you” workout, but I found so much more: the instructors; the other students, the feeling of community. There is such a supportive and welcoming vibe here at Flux that feeds my body, mind, and soul. I can’t stay away.

How has your practiced evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?

I’ve allowed myself to come apart in many ways by practicing at Flux by letting go of doing things perfectly and comparing myself to others, I am physically, emotionally, and spiritually stronger and more centered than I have ever been. I was inspired to take a huge step outside of my comfort zone and complete the 200 hour teacher training with Melissa and Julie with Power Yoga Academy, where I found an even deeper understanding of how the Flux and Baptiste yoga methodology changed my life, and a deep connection with my fellow yogis.

Favorite pose and why?

Right now, I would have to say triangle pose, because I feel like it embodies all of the things that yoga at Flux has introduced to my life: strength, balance, centering, grounding, and openness in my body, mind, and spirit. I smile every time we get to it in class.

Any advice for new yogis?

Just keep showing up – with our busy lives, sometimes getting in the door can be half of the battle. However, I have never once said, “I wish I hadn’t made it to yoga today.” Once you’re here, give up any need for comparison with others or with yourself. Accept and be grateful for where you are right now with your practice and then, allow yourself the opportunity for growth by taking some chances and putting yourself out there. I mean, honestly, what’s the BEST that could happen if you do?