How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?
I’ve been at Flux just a couple of months shy of studio open. First Bellingham yoga friend Jennifer Fairey told me about Flux, and I was on it. Anywhere Melissa is, I am! Nothing better than walking into a room full of open hearted yogis and yoginis of best intentions and so full of love and support for one another. Certainly many other studios have this sort of vibe, feeling, AND, I have to say, none like Flux. Familial. Something about Melissa, the way she conducts herself, recruits and continually grows her instructors, and is in relation to each and every one of us.
My beyond belief Faith in the future is strengthened each studio session from the depth of integrity in the yoginis and yogis I am so privileged to share my practice. Most all mid-stream in life – education, work, relationships, children. To witness the mix and meld and balance of it all by and through them fills me such appreciation of their commitment to show up on the mat again and again.
How has your practice evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?
I started in and out of yoga in my thirties. Now early sixties and three-plus years in Bellingham, yoga is now part of my daily practice of morning meditation, and other physical exercise, bringing together mind, body, soul. Two winters ago I went through Melissa’s teacher training, and yes, it completely changed my life. Calmer mind and more open heart, walk the talk off the mat, Ujjayi breath, grounded in OM – the universal vibration of the planet. More compassionate and patient with self and others, lighter of heart, and more full of play. More courage and commitment to continue to step up, lean in, say YES to being part of the solution to climate change and other civic matters, democracy as an active practice, a privilege and responsibility.
Favorite pose and why?
I enjoy side angles — triangle and half-moon. In my lifework as an energy economist engaged in turning the energy-utility ship from consumption to sustainability, I turn sideways with the light and find chinks in the armor.
Any advice for new yogis?
To your practice, and all is coming. And, be kind to yourself.
#warrioroftheweek #baptisteyoga #fluxpoweryoga
Last Updated: October 28, 2019 by Melissa Longfellow · Leave a Comment
Warrior of the Week: Cynthia Mitchell
How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?
I’ve been at Flux just a couple of months shy of studio open. First Bellingham yoga friend Jennifer Fairey told me about Flux, and I was on it. Anywhere Melissa is, I am! Nothing better than walking into a room full of open hearted yogis and yoginis of best intentions and so full of love and support for one another. Certainly many other studios have this sort of vibe, feeling, AND, I have to say, none like Flux. Familial. Something about Melissa, the way she conducts herself, recruits and continually grows her instructors, and is in relation to each and every one of us.
My beyond belief Faith in the future is strengthened each studio session from the depth of integrity in the yoginis and yogis I am so privileged to share my practice. Most all mid-stream in life – education, work, relationships, children. To witness the mix and meld and balance of it all by and through them fills me such appreciation of their commitment to show up on the mat again and again.
How has your practice evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?
I started in and out of yoga in my thirties. Now early sixties and three-plus years in Bellingham, yoga is now part of my daily practice of morning meditation, and other physical exercise, bringing together mind, body, soul. Two winters ago I went through Melissa’s teacher training, and yes, it completely changed my life. Calmer mind and more open heart, walk the talk off the mat, Ujjayi breath, grounded in OM – the universal vibration of the planet. More compassionate and patient with self and others, lighter of heart, and more full of play. More courage and commitment to continue to step up, lean in, say YES to being part of the solution to climate change and other civic matters, democracy as an active practice, a privilege and responsibility.
Favorite pose and why?
I enjoy side angles — triangle and half-moon. In my lifework as an energy economist engaged in turning the energy-utility ship from consumption to sustainability, I turn sideways with the light and find chinks in the armor.
Any advice for new yogis?
To your practice, and all is coming. And, be kind to yourself.
#warrioroftheweek #baptisteyoga #fluxpoweryoga
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