Warrior of the Week: Crystal Simmons

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born and raised in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada. I moved to Bellingham about 15 years ago to attend Western, fell in love with Bellingham and my super awesome husband of 10 years.  We have 4 amazing daughters! I am a stay at home mom by day, and an after hours emergency response social worker by night. I love snow, all of the coffee, campfires, and camping with my loves. 

How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?

I’ve been at Flux just over a year now. I needed a place just for me, a place where I could fit in some self care solo time, and Flux quickly became my place! The weekly themes, the beautiful space where I can practice letting go, and the encouraging group got me quick! 

How has your practice evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?

When I learned I needed to focus on my own body, and stopped comparing my abilities to everyone else, I gained! My mental health is better than it’s been since I started working for CPS, and I owe that to Flux! Applying the weekly themes into everyday life and good yoga breaths in stressful parenting, work, and life in general situations, has been very helpful with my overall sense of calm. This will be a lifelong journey for me.

 Favorite pose and why?

I love head stands! It’s a pose with so much room for growth, and one I never thought I’d ever get! Its also a pose that my 5 year old and I love to practice together. And…Savasana! Because it signifies that I came, dug a little deeper, and accomplished. Also, it’s the most difficult for me. I’m still working on shutting off to-do lists, schedules and focusing on staying present until after those closing OM’s! 

Any advice for new yogis?

Any advice for new yogis? This is your time.  Try to stay present on your mat.  Focus on you, the rest can wait while you take the opportunity to care for yourself.  If you focus on you, you will see gains both physically and mentally. AND have a little fun with it, don’t be afraid to fall out of place.


#warrioroftheweek #baptisteyoga #fluxpoweryoga