Warrior of the Week: Cami Grichel

Cami Grichel has been with us since the opening of Flux 2 years ago. She is a bright and shining leader in the Fairhaven business community, the owner and curator at Whimsey jewelry. We are thrilled to acknowledge Cami as our Warrior of the Week!

How long have you been practicing at Flux Power Yoga? How did you know this was your place?

I’ve been with Flux since June 2017.  From the moment I walked in the studio I could tell it was an open and accepting community, where everyone is welcome.  As time progressed I learned it is place where the instructors aren’t just doing their job, they genuinely care about the health, growth and wellbeing of their students.  Authentic support is shared by students as well,  I’ve done other sports where I have had a sense of community but none where I haven’t felt some degree of competition or judgement.  
Ultimately, it’s hard not to feel like you’ve found your place when that place makes you feel like you are becoming a better person.

How has your practiced evolved and /or what benefits have you gotten in your practice and in your life?

I’ve experienced a number of changes in my life since joining Flux.  The 40 Day Challenge introduced me to a healthier diet, more disciplined exercise and daily meditation.  I discovered that I love to meditate! 
I think the biggest overall change I’ve noticed in myself is patience.  What I’ve learned is that my body has ebbs and flows; days (sometimes weeks) of strength/weakness, flexibility/stiffness and energy/fatigue.  Patience, particularly with myself, didn’t come easy to me but I am learning to not judge and instead listen to my body and accept it the way it is. This patience/kindness is thankfully flowing into the rest of my life as well.  

Favorite pose and why?

Extended Mountain Pose.  I LOVE the feeling of reaching up, both for the satisfaction of the stretch but also the feeling of opening of myself to something greater.  Extended Mountain Pose is a receptive pose for me.

Any advice for new yogis?

Come as you are.

#warrioroftheweek #baptisteyoga #fluxpoweryoga